Bu yıla damga vuracak teknolojik oyuncaklar - CES 2016Kaynak:   Hürriyet   Ekleyen:  Pelin Güner   01-06-2016 11:04:50
Dünyanın en büyük tüketici elektroniği fuarı Consumer Electronics Show 2016 (CES) bu akşam kapılarını halka açıyor. 2.4 milyon metrekarelik alanda kurulan fuarda teknoloji şirketleri tüm yeniliklerini tanıttı. Elektrikli otomobillerden akıllı cihazlara kadar birçok ürün önümüzdeki döneme damga vuracak....

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Why your organization needs a Chief Digital Officer (CDO)Kaynak:   Blur Group   Ekleyen:  Deniz Çörüslü   01-08-2016 10:56:11
Think back to when you were at high school. Something as trivial as not having the latest sneakers or backpack could lead to ridicule and often complete ostracization. It wasn?t a nice feeling, was it?...

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Say Goodbye To The Chief Digital OfficerKaynak:   Forbes   Ekleyen:  Deniz Çörüslü   01-11-2016 09:31:17
Continued from page 1 According to PwC, the number of companies that have already hired CDOs remains small ? just 6% globally out of the top 1,500 organisations. ...

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Advent of the Chief Digital Officer (CDO)Kaynak:   Team ASV   Ekleyen:  Gönül Umut Gök   01-13-2016 10:28:19
Recently, I met the CEO of a mid-sized corporation and while discussing the impact of Digital technologies, he mentioned that the IT team was not being responsive enough to spot the emerging trends and initiate action. Later on, I talked to the CIO and learnt that the team was currently busy fixing security and integration issues related to the new software for Digital marketing. Apparently, this software was selected by the Marketing team....

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THE CHIEF DIGITAL OFFICER TRENDKaynak:   EgyptInnovate   Ekleyen:  Hidayet Şahin   01-14-2016 09:56:08
Let me begin by asking who in your company is managing the big sexy data, the omnichannel customer, or building digital products that can be monetized? I thought so, now might be the time to consider hiring a Chief Digital Officer....

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Why Chief Digital Officers Must Invest in Experiences Over Products and TechnologyKaynak:   CDO Club   Ekleyen:  Bircan Çiçekdeş   01-15-2016 09:49:30
In my research and in my work, I continue to observe the importance of experience in building long-term, meaningful and productive customer experiences. But when I say customer experience, I?m not referring to traditional CX work nor am I solely focusing on customer service or support. Customer experience is more than that. It?s anything and everything. And this is why businesses are underestimating the value and promise of experiences to serve as incredible competitive advantages....

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CDO Turkey Heyetinden İstanbul Sanayi Odası?na Nezaket ZiyaretiKaynak:   İstanbul Sanayi Odası   Ekleyen:  Ali Malaz   01-16-2016 10:41:17
Dijital Dönüşüm Direktörü (Chief Digital Officer - CDO) Turkey heyeti İstanbul Sanayi Odası?na 13 Ocak tarihinde nezaket ziyaretinde bulundu. CDO Turkey İcra Kurulu Başkanı Bülent Kutlu başkanlığındaki heyet İstanbul Sanayi Odası Başkanı Erdal Bahçıvan ve Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi M. Ata Ceylan tarafından ağırlandı....

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'Automation is King? in next wave of GlobalizationKaynak:   LinkedIn   Ekleyen:  Dr. Adnan Veysel Ertemel   01-17-2016 01:00:18
Over the coming decades, a labor shortage in China will force U.S. multinational businesses to remake their China operations or pack up and leave. This change will start the next chapter in the history of globalization, ?where automation is king, nearness to markets is crucial and the lives of workers and consumers around the world are once again scrambled,? according to a front-page Wall Street Journal report yesterday titled: Demographic 2050 Destiny. ...

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Welcome to Google TravelKaynak:   LinkedIn   Ekleyen:  Cüneyt Baycan   01-18-2016 13:33:53
Google is reshaping the travel industry. Recently, Google launched its Hotel ads services. ...

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IBM: DISRUPTION HAS ALREADY HAPPENEDKaynak:   VR World   Ekleyen:  Begüm Eser   01-18-2016 17:30:13
Every day, our inbox gets flooded with gazillion startups claiming they?re on a path of market disruption. From another standpoint, numerous funds and banks love to talk about disruption and claim that we will live in a ?brave new world? thanks to services they provide. ?Big Blue?, nickname for an IT giant from Armonk in New York state, decided to claim something different ? that the digital disruption already happened....

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