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| | Kaynak: Finextra Ekleyen: Esra Köprülü 04-30-2016 09:45:40 | There is a very high probability that you are viewing this article on your phone, tablet or other mobile device. Digital is now part of our daily life and some will say it has even made its way onto Maslow?s pyramid as a basic need! For financial services firms, that means that the customer and employee expectations are now driven by what is ?normal? digital experience outside the industry....
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| | Hazırlayan: Mehmet Demir Genel Müdür , Netax Tech04-30-2016 14:42:04 | Bilim Sanayi Teknoloji Bakanlığının düzenlemiş olduğu Verimlilik Haftasından çok verimli bir panel/sunum yaptık. Verimlilik ve Akıllı Üretim aslında iç içe konular....
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| | Kaynak: Information Age Ekleyen: Ceren Parlak 05-01-2016 10:01:46 | You wouldn?t normally associate farmers with digital innovation ? even less so in developing countries. But thanks to CABI?s approach to technology, crops are getting better treatment around the world.
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| | Kaynak: TED Ekleyen: Halime Gökdemir 05-02-2016 08:52:35 | What if technology could connect us more deeply with our surroundings instead of distracting us from the real world? With the Meta 2, an augmented reality headset that makes it possible for users to see, grab and move holograms just like physical objects, Meron Gribetz hopes to extend our senses through a more natural machine. Join Gribetz as he takes the TED stage to demonstrate the reality-shifting Meta 2 for the first time. (Featuring Q&A with TED Curator Chris Anderson)...
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| | Kaynak: CDO Turkey Ekleyen: Duygu Omak 05-02-2016 12:07:56 | Şirketlerin sürdürülebilir ve doğru dijital stratejilerine destek olan, Türkiye?nin en önemli dijitalleşme platformlarından CDO Turkey (Chief Digital Officer) ve CDO Certificate işbirliği ile ilki 26 Mart?ta gerçekleştirilen CDO semineri, yoğun talep üzerine 30 Nisan 2016 Cumartesi günü BOF Otel İstanbul'da yeniden gerçekleştirildi.
30 Nisan Cumartesi günü ?1? Günde DİJİTAL Değişim başlığıyla yeniden gerçekleştirilen seminerde şirketlerde Dijital Değişim ve bu değişime liderlik edecek Dijital Değişim/Dönüşüm Lideri (CDO) atamasının yapılması konularında en güncel bilgiler paylaşıldı.
CDO Turkey İcra Kurulu Başkanı Bülent Kutlu?nun konuşmacı olduğu seminer...
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| | Kaynak: The New Yorker Ekleyen: Eda Önsel 05-02-2016 14:05:00 | Twelve years ago, Robert McEliece, a mathematician and engineer at Caltech, won the Claude E. Shannon Award, the highest honor in the field of information theory. During his acceptance lecture, at an international symposium in Chicago, he discussed the prize?s namesake, who died in 2001. ...
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| | Kaynak: Automotive News Europe Ekleyen: Nev Ortac 05-03-2016 09:34:38 | Tuev Sued has appointed former Cisco executive Dirk Schlesinger chief digital officer, as the German testing and certification company responds to the growing importance of digital technologies in the manufacturing industry....
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| | Kaynak: ZDNet Ekleyen: Fisun Koç 05-03-2016 09:46:20 | The NSW government has announced the resurrection of the state government CIO, adding the word digital to the title in a bid to keep up with the evolving nature of the role....
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| | Kaynak: Digital Age Ekleyen: Müge Yalçın 05-03-2016 10:10:00 | MY Executive?in araştırmasında şirketlere CDO?ları olup olmadığı da soruldu. Cevaplar firmalarda ağırlıklı olarak henüz bir CDO olmadığını ortaya koyuyor....
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