Earning Consumer Trust in Big DataKaynak:   BCG PERSPECTIVES   Ekleyen:  Tuğba Ertan   10-09-2015 17:42:27
Big data provides an enormous upside for businesses. By supplying granular insight into consumer behaviors and habits, it enables companies to better develop new products and services, improve existing offerings, reinforce relationships with consumers, and boost revenue....

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Holdinglerde Dijitalleşme...Hazırlayan:   Bülent Kutlu      CEO, Mentee Turkey11-02-2015 16:17:33
Dijitalleşme konusunda artık tüm kurumsal şirketlerimizin üst düzey yöneticilerinin ikna olduğunu düşünüyorum.

Kurumsallaşma ile beraber dijitalleşme, holdinglerimiz için özellikle de büyük ölçekli holdinglerimiz için çok daha önemli hale geldi. ...

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Nesnelerin interneti bulut trafiğini 4 yılda 4 kat artıracakKaynak:   Webrazzi   Ekleyen:  Bircan Çiçekdeş   12-20-2015 10:09:58
Nesnelerin interneti uygulamaları ve mobil kullanım bulutta depolama ve veri işlemeye olan talebi hızla artırıyor. 2014-2019 yıllarını kapsayan Cisco Küresel Bulut Endeksi raporuna göre 2019 yılı sonuna kadar dijital gereçlerde kullanılan verinin yüzde 51?i akıllı telefon, tablet ve M2M bağlantılı cihazlara kayacak. Dört yıl içinde global bulut trafiği 4 kat artarak aynı dönemde 3 katına çıkacak olan veri merkezi trafiğinden daha hızlı büyüyecek....

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Tasarruf , esneklik ve inovasyon bulut bilişimde buluşuyor ( Sponsorlu ) Sponsor:   Microsoft      Uluslararası Bilişim ve Teknoloji Firması01-25-2016 09:41:09
Siz de Microsoft Bulut çözümleri ile tanışın, yeni ve önde olun....

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Big Data Analytics And The Next President: How Microtargeting Drives TodayKaynak:   Forbes   Ekleyen:  Nedim Kaya   06-03-2016 03:00:55
Political campaigns of both Republican and Democratic candidates are taking Big Data lessons from retailers, gathering information about individuals, and using it to serve up personalized messages to prospective voters. It?s called ?microtargeting,? and it was was a key element of the successful Obama for America campaign and its unprecedented fundraising....

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Public Cloud Computing Growing Almost 50 Percent Annually, Cisco SaysKaynak:   Forbes   Ekleyen:  Sevilay Kop   06-06-2016 09:34:05
If there were any lingering doubts about the embrace of cloud computing across all industry sectors, the latest market analysis from Cisco ought to lay them to rest. Within the next three years, the study concludes, more than four-fifths of all data center traffic, 83 percent, will be based in the cloud. What?s more, most of this action will be going to public cloud services ? there will be more workloads (56 percent) in the public cloud than in private clouds (44 percent)....

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IBM Opens Blockchain Garage in New York CityKaynak:   CoinDesk   Ekleyen:  Hatice Sarıkaya   07-11-2016 09:09:38
IBM has announced the opening of a new office for blockchain coders in a New York City neighborhood better known for its art galleries and boutique stores than for computer programmers....

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Bust these common cloud computing mythsKaynak:   TechTarget / SearchCIO   Ekleyen:  Tuba Köseoğlu Okçu   08-11-2016 09:15:16
For most enterprises, it is no longer a question of if they will move to the cloud, but when....

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Forbes Cloud 100: These Rising Stars Are At Cloud's Cutting EdgeKaynak:   Forbes   Ekleyen:  Cüneyt Baycan   09-16-2016 09:06:03
While many of the leading companies in the cloud appear in the ranks of the first-ever Forbes Cloud 100 list, some promising companies were too small to be eligible?but too fast-growing to ignore....

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Cloud Computing Embraced As Cost-Cutting Measure Kaynak:   Information Week   Ekleyen:  Yusuf Azoz   10-10-2016 09:15:50
When it comes to implementing a cloud infrastructure, whether it's public, private, or hybrid, most IT departments view the technology as a way to cut costs and save money, according to a recent analysis from CompTIA. The report also shows that SaaS is seen as the most useful cloud service....

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