CDO'lar İçin 5 Gerçek !Hazırlayan:   Bülent Kutlu      CEO, Mentee Turkey01-17-2015 05:46:25
CDO (Chief Digital Officer) pozisyonu artık her kurumsal şirket için önemli olmaya başladı.

2012 yılında sadece literatür olarak kullanılan terim daha ikinci yılını bitirdiği bugünlerde ülkemizde olduğu gibi tüm dünyada kendi gerçekliğini göstermeye başladı. En son Gartner raporlarına göre bazı bilgileri size özet olarak sunmaya çalışacağım. ...

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Chief Digital Officer, What type does your organization need?Kaynak:   Gartner   01-19-2015 04:41:11
Everyone is talking about the need for a chief digital officer (CDO).

The CDO role has come into fashion as a demonstrable sign that your organization is serious about digital technology. The topic of what is the chief digital officer their role and responsibilities is full of energy and attention. It is rare to create a new ?C? level role with the opportunity to redistribute responsibilities among senior executives....

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Her ülkeye CDOKaynak:   BT Haber   01-21-2015 05:38:22
CDO=Chief Digital Officer. Şirketlerin tepe yöneticisi CEO gibi, ülkelerin sayısal gündemini yönetmek amacıyla bir Sayısal Eşgüdüm Sorumlusu.

Bu fikir, AB Sayısal Gündem Bakanı Neelie Kroes?tan çıktı. Onun teşvikiyle AB?de BİT girişimcileri Genç Yenilikçi Şirket Avrupa Liderler Klübü (Startup Europe Leaders Club) diye bir platform kurdular. Ve şu soruya yanıt aradılar...

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Can the CIO be the Chief Digital Officer? Yes if they make the role their ownKaynak:   Gartner   01-25-2015 05:53:06
The CIO is more qualified than most for the emerging position of Chief Digital Officer (CDO) as they have an intimate and operational understanding of how the enterprise and customers use technology. CIO experience is a strength, but in an area that is off target for the way the popular media, among consultants and in many executive teams position the CDO role. A CIO needs to make the CDO their own if they hope to make their case.

Technology > IT. The CDO is about how technology will support growth. The CIO has been about how IT will reduce, control and manage cost. The two questions are not mutually exclusive but its not immediately obvious that being good at one means tha...

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Top 10 Customer Engagement Tips from Ad Agency Chief Digital OfficersKaynak:   CDO Club   01-25-2015 06:06:28
?Arguably, advertising has always been about content and storytelling. It?s just that that story and its format, which was once a static 15 or print campaign, is actually now part of a larger interactivity ecosystem,? said Angela Wei, Managing Director at Agency (Milk Studios), and moderator at ?The Consumer Journey: From Innovation to Activation? panel held at the 2014 CDO Summit at the Time Warner Center in New York City on April 23, 2014...

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8 things CMOs should know about CDOsKaynak:   CMO Australia   01-27-2015 04:57:04
We take a look at the increased popularity of the chief digital officer role and how it will influence how CMOs and organisations engage with their customers...

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The Top 10 Ways for Chief Digital Officers to Dominate PR Kaynak:   CDO Club   02-01-2015 04:09:24
Gone are the days when companies could succeed in engaging their audience with the blunt equivalent of a megaphone.

Billboards and press releases have become expensive background noise when compared to the numerous, innovative ways a company can deliver its story and content using digital engagement. ...

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Forrester warns CDOs: Don?t expect career longevityKaynak:   Chief Digital Officer   02-05-2015 07:33:34
?Predicting the corporate demand for chief digital officers is turning out to be a tough task. On one hand, a report released today from research firm Forrester suggests that most firms that have not already hired a CDO are not planning to do so over the next year. That is in contrast to a report released last October from fellow research from IDC, which predicted that, within five years, roughly 60 percent of CIOs would be supplanted by CDOs.?...

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CDO, CXO, XXO ? The New C Suite | Winning the Lap or the Race?Kaynak:   Chief Digital Officer   02-15-2015 18:18:06
The last couple of years have seen tremendous proliferation of the C-XX titles within the world of marketing...

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5 Questions With? Jessie Adcock of the City of VancouverKaynak:   Chief Digital Officer   03-04-2015 05:08:15
Jessie Adcock is the Chief Digital Officer for the City of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Question 1: How do you define ?digital strategy??

I define ?digital strategy? as an enabling framework for transformation. A specific strategy allows organizations to focus their attention on common goals and to identify flagship outcomes from amongst those goals. A company with a digital strategy has a policy in place on where they want to go from a technology, workforce and customer experience standpoint. This enabling framework established a vision, creates momentum, helps diffuse internal resource conflicts and allows multiple business units to align efforts to the same ...

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