Monday's Musings: Who Gets To Be A Chief Digital Officer?Kaynak:   Constellation Research   03-17-2015 03:53:16
The Chief Digital Officer Navigates Digital Disruption?

Chief Digital Officers serve as a leader who is wholly responsible and ultimately accountable for driving digital business transformation.

As identified by Constellation in its? recent report on the ?Case For the Chief Digital Officer?, Constellation expects this executive to report directly to the CEO and bridge the gap between marketing and IT at a corporate level, rather than report into either existing function. Why? The CDO needs to maintain focus above the legacy responsibilities of marketing communications and enterprise technology architecture. Current C-suite residents may argue that a CDO would be assis...

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The Secret To Big Data Driven Integrated Digital MarketingKaynak:   ViralBlog   03-17-2015 05:09:43
Most CMOs and their agencies are still thinking in terms of advertising campaigns instead of data-driven integrated digital marketing programs. ...

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How's Your Digital Profile ?Kaynak:   LinkedIn   03-18-2015 04:54:16
When?s the last time you Googled yourself?
While it may seem vain, it?s also smart, because that's exactly what other people do before or after they meet you for the first time. If managed well, your digital profile therefore can play an important role in defining your personal brand, promoting corporate agendas, and helping you stand out in a crowded field....

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10 Marketing Apps You Need That Could Save Your SanityKaynak:   Business 2 Community   03-19-2015 06:08:50
Feeling overwhelmed? Feeling like you don?t have enough time in the day to accomplish everything on your never ending list of things to do? Tired of feeling like no matter how hard you work and you can never seem to make a dent in that ist? Congratulations! You are probably a marketer.

And I mean yeah,...

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Why Big Data Should Be A Piece of CakeKaynak:   LinkedIn   03-20-2015 04:38:26
Data analysis and chocolate cake? Cookies and data visualization?
They don?t seem to have much in common ? except that they might both show up at a board room table ? but being an effective data scientist and a consummate pastry chef have more in common than you might think.

In fact, in order to be successful, they have to follow the same essential steps. It?s just that one is creating wonderful cakes and deserts while the other is providing insights from data....

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2015- 2018 Bilgi Toplumu Stratejisi ve Eylem PlanıKaynak:   T.C. Kalkınma Bakanlığı   03-21-2015 03:37:36
T.C. Kalkınma Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanmış ve resmi gazete duyurusuyla yürürlüğe girmiş 2015 - 2018 Bilgi Toplumu Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı....

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George Westerman | Digital masters excel in technology and also leadership Kaynak:   live mint   03-24-2015 03:42:07
George Westerman , a research scientist with the MIT Sloan School of Management-Initiative on Digital Economy, researches and teaches digital technology leadership and innovation...

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Mobile Marketing Trends 2015Kaynak:   YouTube   03-27-2015 04:04:41
Mobile Marketing Trends 2015 and current digital space is highlighted in the video. The video illustrates stats, mobile consumer behavior, adoption,mobile usage. Video created by

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50 Digital Marketing Tools to Grow Your Start-UpKaynak:   ClickZ Live   03-27-2015 04:50:24
This list of 50 tools can help you boost your digital marketing start-up in every aspect, from SEO to social media to email.

The one constant of Austin?s South by Southwest (SXSW) conference is the gaggle of start-ups trying to pitching for attention. Some deserve it, others not so much.

I thought you might be interested in...

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The Traditional High-street Versus The Digital High-streetKaynak:   ViralBlog   03-31-2015 04:06:28
Can you think of any industries and businesses that would have no benefit from having an on-line presence?...

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