Serving up a better burger: How IoT and blockchain will reinvent the global supply chainKaynak:   VentureBeat   Ekleyen:  Özge Coşkun   11-06-2016 09:10:09
Say you get served a burger at a restaurant, and something about it isn?t quite right. Do you know what went wrong? Does your server? Does the restaurant? The suppliers? Hard to know. Each part of the sandwich ? the beef, lettuce, tomato, bun, condiments, cheese ? came together on the plate from separate long and intricate supply chains that go all the way back to a farm....

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Why Blockchain May Be Your Next Supply ChainKaynak:   Forbes   Ekleyen:  Gazi Demirci   04-25-2017 09:35:02
There are challenges that need to be addressed before blockchain can proliferate across supply chains, however. First, there's the need to overcome embedded, calcified corporate thinking. Business leaders and organizations need to open up to the sharing of information with mainly unseen network partners. ......

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