MIT Sloan Management Review


MIT Sloan Management Review leads the discourse among academic researchers, business executives and other influential thought leaders about advances in management practice that are transforming how people lead and innovate. MIT SMR disseminates new management research and innovative ideas so that thoughtful executives can capitalize on the opportunities generated by rapid organizational, technological and societal change.

We distribute our content on the web, in print and on mobile and portable platforms, as well as via licensees and libraries around the world.

We source content for our readers primarily in two ways:

Independent research and ideas from global thought leaders. Since 1959, MIT SMR has been a forum for business-management innovators from around the world to present their ideas and research. Authors have included Christopher Bartlett, Max Bazerman, Erik Brynjolfsson, Henry Chesbrough, Clayton Christensen, Richard D?Aveni, Thomas Davenport, Sumantra Ghoshal, Daniel Goleman, Vijay Govindarajan, Lynda Gratton, Gary Hamel, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Rhakesh Khurana, Philip Kotler, Ed Lawler, Thomas Malone, Costas Markides, Andrew McAfee, Rita McGrath, Henry Mintzberg, Nitin Nohria, C.K. Prahalad, John Quelch, James Brian Quinn, Peter Senge and Lester Thurow. We work closely with authors to ensure that their articles provide interpretation and analysis for practicing managers: thought-provoking strategies that offer real-world management solutions.

MIT SMR-generated research and ideas (Big Ideas). The MIT SMR Big Ideas are collaborative inquiries capturing the best thinking, reporting and scholarly research on the management implications of one significant transformation in the business environment. We conduct interviews and original research to explore these implications. The Big Ideas illuminate major changes in the competitive landscape that managers are hungry to understand and that are the chief drivers of management practice innovation as enterprises respond to novel opportunities and threats.

Big Idea 1: Sustainability

An exploration into how sustainability pressures are transforming the ways we work, live and compete. Sustainability?s research, reporting and community help managers to understand better the new forces that will affect their organizations, to navigate through the overwhelming mass of information about sustainability and to fend off threats and capitalize on opportunities that sustainability issues present.
Big Idea 2: Data & Analytics

The intensifying ?data deluge,? and the new analytical approaches that help organizations exploit that data, will fundamentally change how managers make decisions and innovate. Data & Analytics explores the challenges of the data-driven world in this era of big data, and defines the new organizational capabilities this environment will demand.
Big Idea 3: Social Business

Achieving the promise of social media, within and external to the enterprise, is a complicated process, requiring specific skills, capabilities and, more importantly, a new mindset toward managerial control of information, people and ideas. MIT SMR helps managers at all levels understand the promises, pitfalls and emerging best practices for leading in this new era of the socially networked organization.
Uzmanlık Alanları
  • İçerik Yönetimi
  • İletişim
  • Bulut Bili?im ve Big Data
  • Internet Teknolojileri
  • Yazıları



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