Kaynak | | | In addition, digital subscribers have access to our complete archive, which includes a digital replica of every issue of the print magazine, from 1925 to today. We also offer an E Ink edition for Kindle and Nook, editions through Zinio and Texture, and an audio edition of selected pieces from audible.com.
Our Web site, newyorker.com, features the full contents of each week?s magazine, plus everything we?ve published since 2007 and select older magazine stories. The site also publishes more than fifteen daily dispatches from New Yorker writers and artists, as well as podcasts, videos, slide shows, interactive graphics, and the Cartoon Caption Contest. All readers are able to enjoy the home page, the front page of each section, the video hub, Goings On About Town listings, and six articles per month at no charge before being asked to subscribe. | Uluslararası İlişkiler İş Geliştirme Teknoloji Yönetimi Dijitalleşme |
Claude Shannon, the Father of the Information Age, Turns 1100100
| The New Yorker is a weekly magazine offering a signature mix of reporting and commentary on politics, international affairs, popular culture and the arts, science and technology, and business, along with fiction, poetry, humor, and cartoons. The magazine is available in print at newsstands and by subscription. We also publish each week?s full issue in an app for tablets and smartphones, available for download through the App Store, Google Play, or Amazon.
| Uluslararası İlişkiler İş Geliştirme Teknoloji Yönetimi Dijitalleşme |
- Claude Shannon, the Father of ..
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