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Board Agenda is an independent media channel & business resource that delivers insights, analysis and intelligence on issues that shape corporate leadership, fuel effective boards and drive business success.
br> When you read Board Agenda you obtain independent, expert commentary from a global team of award winning editors and thought leaders, about best practice on a wide range of governance, strategy, risk and ethical business issues and valuable perspectives from board directors of the worlds leading public and privately owned companies.

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Subscribers to Board Agenda receive incisive news analysis, engaging commentary and topical investigative reports on an extensive range of subjects including shareholder activism, risk management, corporate reputation, selection & diversity, strategic planning, outsourcing, finance, M&A, technology, investor relations, ethics, sustainability and executive remuneration. You will also gain free access to an extensive library of guides and reports that has been carefully curated to support board members, C-Suite executives and professional advisers.

Board Agenda is committed to increasing diversity and expanding the talent quota in boardrooms and senior management of listed and private companies, the not-for-profit and state sectors across the UK and Europe. To aid this process we have created the Register of Directors, which is a free service to all registered users of Board Agenda. Should you be seeking your first non-executive director role, or you wish to extend your NED portfolio, you can upload your career profile and contact details. The Register of Directors is accessed by search and selection agencies, venture capitalists and other organisations for appropriate candidates and can be searched by industry, company type and director experience.
Uzmanlık Alanları
  • Internet Teknolojileri
  • Bilgi Teknolojileri
  • Yazıları

  • Strategic thinking in the age of digital transformation


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