Kaynak | | | Every business day, FiercePharma updates pharmaceutical executives on pharma company news & earnings, FDA regulations, drug safety, generic drug companies, and more. Beyond the news of the day, our editors discuss the top industry trends and topics with in-depth features on industry leaders and market trends. | Internet Teknolojileri Bilgi Teknolojileri Medya Yönetimi |
JPM: Sanofi's new chief digital officer steps up ambitions in marketing, res.. Merck & Co.'s touted chief digital officer bolts for Marriott just 2 years i.. Sanofi CEO Hudson singles out his digital ambitions in big executive shakeup Novartis digital chief is turning his CEO's 'unbossed' plans into ne.. Chief digital officers land at Big Pharma?cue tech transformations, test innovat.. CIO, CDO, or CDIO? As pharma plays digital catch-up, who should lead the charge? GlaxoSmithKline CEO reshuffles 40% of management team in bid to bring in new ide..
| Every business day, FiercePharma updates pharmaceutical executives on pharma company news & earnings, FDA regulations, drug safety, generic drug companies, and more. | Internet Teknolojileri Bilgi Teknolojileri Medya Yönetimi |
- JPM: Sanofi's new chief di..
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