How serverless, cognitive computing, and blockchain will influence cloud this yearKaynak:   Cloud Tech   Ekleyen:  Gazi Demirci   02-17-2017 08:45:36
As the sun rises on 2017, a highlight of this New Year will be the gathering strength of the cloud. If the big question posed by businesses and their CIOs in 2016 was whether they should migrate to the cloud; in 2017 the question will be what is the best way to get there.
A recent IBM survey of more than 1,000 C-suite executives from 18 industries found that almost every company we surveyed is using cloud, but only in pockets of their business. 78% of respondents say their cloud initiatives are coordinated or fully integrated, compared to just 34% in 2012. At the same time, nearly half of workloads - or 45% - are expected to remain on-premises with dedicated servers.

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