Kaynak: LinkedIn 07-18-2016 09:16:29 | Humankind has been amazed with the magical world of "numbers" since the earliest civilizations... All those math prodigies, technological developments are basicly proof of the power of numbers. As we know, numbers can be so distracting... Well, we also know that human brain has a tendency to misperceive....
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| | Kaynak: LinkedIn 07-15-2016 09:19:45 | L?humanité a été étonné par le monde magique de ?numéros? depuis les premières civilisations ? Tous ces prodiges de mathématiques, les développements technologiques sont fondamentalement la preuve de la puissance de numéros. Comme nous le savons, les nombres peuvent être si gênant ? Eh bien, nous savons aussi que le cerveau humain a tendance à mal percevoir. ...
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| | Kaynak: LinkedIn Ekleyen: Alper Balibeyoğlu 07-14-2016 16:05:57 | As we all know, Facebook bought Instagram for $1 billion in April 2012. Some said, it was a silly investment, Zuckerberg had no vision, etc ... Now, Instagram's value is $35 billion. It's a unique visual platform for brands and corporations ... In terms of social media, Instagram plays big. Surveys reveal that, Instagram is the most popular social media tool in America....
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| | Kaynak: LinkedIn Ekleyen: Baran Yurdagül 07-12-2016 11:16:13 | In my previous post, I tried to briefly discuss the potential next big things on mobile business. In this post, I would like to extend my views on one of the favourite and interesting concepts of mine which is sharing economy. ...
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| | Kaynak: Anadolu Grubu Blog Ekleyen: Emine Ayşe Kırımlı 07-11-2016 17:30:45 | Sponsorluk ve kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk? Özellikle son yıllarda hemen hemen tüm şirketlerin gündeminde olan kavramlar? İç içe geçmiş, benzer gibi görünse de aslında birbirinden tamamen farklı kavramlar....
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| | Kaynak: Yeni Şafak Ekleyen: Nedim Kaya 07-09-2016 17:15:24 | 'Sanayi 4.0' çağına girilmesiyle birlikte tüm dünyada şirketlerin dijital dönüşüm seferberliğine başlaması, CDO (Dijital Dönüşüm Lideri) pozisyonlarının giderek ilgi görmesini de sağladı. CDO pozisyonunda Türkiye'de şu an yaklaşık 70 kişi bulunurken dünyada yıl sonu hedefi ise 2 bin 500 kişiye ulaşmak....
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| | Kaynak: LinkedIn Ekleyen: Baran Yurdagül 07-04-2016 10:49:32 | -First of all, I would like to thank everyone about the feedbacks to the first part of my post. It really encouraged and urged me to continue with the part II- ...
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| | Kaynak: LinkedIn Ekleyen: Baran Yurdagül 07-03-2016 09:22:17 | Today, I would like to share the story of Fenerbahçe Ülker Stadium, which is the first connected stadium of Turkey. ...
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| | Kaynak: LinkedIn Ekleyen: Baran Yurdagül 06-29-2016 10:20:02 | The mobile industry is a unique industry with its assets in the global industry portfolio. In the full year of 2016, our industry is supposed to generate 1.7 trillion dollar revenues. ...
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| | Kaynak: LinkedIn Ekleyen: İnan Acılıoğlu 06-13-2016 10:36:53 | 1980 ? 1999 yıllarında arasında doğan Y Kuşağı temsilcileri, iş yaşamında günbegün koltukları dolduruyor. 2023 yılına gelindiğinde çalışan iş gücünün %60?ını oluşturmaları bekleniyor. Peki önceki kuşaklar onları ne kadar iyi tanıyor?...
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